Joseph Witriol’s Journal – Part 37: Philip’s long-hairedness, God’s Wilderness

Wednesday, 11th February, 1959, 10.00 p.m.

E [Edith] still aching and paining, on restricted diet, wind trouble. The doctor has told her not to be shy about breaking wind if she is able to. These are the things one does not hear about when hearing radiant motherhood described. Phil needs a haircut, bawling away to-night – well, well, one mustn’t cramp the lad’s style. E. obtained assurances from a staff nurse, a(nother) ward sister and a doctor that the baby was “all right.” Apparently the bitchy sister – who E. says is not really such a bitch – was just trying to indicate that one had to be careful to see that the baby was fit before being Ocised [circumcised]. Sam [his brother] has ‘flu – Lily [his wife] had to stay at home. Mrs P. [from the business?] told the staff to have the day off. He seems cheerful to-night, hopes to be fit on Monday. I hope so. I think the nephew will do a lot to improve his morale. Now for a bath. Perhaps I’ll be able to spend an hour translating to-morrow night. I suggested to Sam I go in to the Butts [Newington Butts –  where Sam’s business was?] next week, when I shall be on holiday, not wanting him, of course, to accept my suggestion. I told T. & H. [Thames and Hudson] I would send them my introduction to Sinai [God’s Wilderness Discoveries in Sinai] by the end of February, and if I am to do so will need all the time I can get during next week.

Sunday, 15 Feb 59, 5 p.m.

Sam still ill, low, fainting fits – very worrying. Mum has gone round to stay the night, so that Lily can get away early to-morrow morning. Mum marvellously matter-of-fact about it all.

Inflicted much unnecessary inconvenience and time-consumption on myself. One Shlomo Auerbach, who passes for a bit of a character – I have an idea I have described him in these pages [not so] – insisted I meet him as he had some translating for me to do which was short & “well-paid.” I met him last night and stood him a cup of coffee at the Regent Palace Hotel and in a moment of weakness let him give me £3 “in advance” for a job which was to bring in £13 -£15. On getting home and thinking it over, it became clear to me that I wouldn’t be able to tackle S.S’s job and the Thames & Hudson commission; S.A. wanted the completed TS by 15 Mar latest. Result, had to spend a good 3/4 hour. this p.m. packing parcel to go to S.A. and writing letter to him.

Told Dr Taunz orally wanted to give up NLJC  [New Liberal Jewish Congregation] classes after end of term. Mixed feelings. I like to think I was giving the kids I had every Sunday — 15 to 25 grammar-school 11 plusses — something. But must burn my boats and concentrate on Discovering Sinai, the book I am translating for T&H. It is just possible, barely possible, that this T &H job will fall through – if so, I’ve earned the right to take things a bit easier in the summer.

½ hr approx, Sinai 12/2/59 1½ hrs, 15/2/59 [ Dad used red at end of entries to show time spent on translating work]